PLOwing Pots is a free website focused on providing Pot Limit Omaha players content to help them learn and improve their game. Some might ask how PLOwing Pots is funded. This page will hopefully answer those questions

Why Is PLOwing Pots Free?

The goal of PLOwing Pots is to give players access to resources that will help them improve their PLO game, regardless of their skill level. While there is a large amount of material available for No-Limit Hold’em players, there is not nearly as much information available for those wishing to start learning PLO. Simply put, we created this site to help provide information that we wished we could easily find when we first started playing PLO.

How is PLOwing Pots Funded?

As with any website, an operating cost is crucial to our success. We believe in honesty and transparency are paramount in building trust. That is the only way to build a solid foundation.

Running a site geared toward helping players across the world realize their potential at the wonderful game requires a substantial cost, both in server infrastructure and content creation.

To continue to provide free content we have to make money somehow. Our primary source of funding is through the generation of referral fees.

Referral Fees

We earn some sort of referral fees when you pay for services from one of our partners that we recommend.

We only recommend products that we personally use and fully believe will add value to your game. All products we recommend have been fully tested by us, and any reviews are our own. No money is accepted by PLOwing Pots as compensation for positive reviews.

This is called affiliate marketing. Many of the biggest businesses in the world use affiliate marketing. You will likely recognize many like Amazon, Google, Uber, and countless others. Many sites that you visit likely use some form of affiliate marketing.

Unfortunately, not everyone is upfront and honest about this.

Sometimes you will see ads or banners like this:

Use promo code plowingpots10 to get 10% discount for the first subscription purchase

Other times you might see special links that are unique to each website that tracks referrals:

You are tagged with a special cookie when you click on these links. If you end up paying for a product, the company pays us a referral fee. Things to keep in mind:

It does not cost you more money to use an affiliate link.

You are never charged more money than what you would pay by going to the site without an affiliate link.

In some cases, you might be able to save money through our affiliate programs.

In other cases, you might qualify for additional products from us, that are only available through us.

We do not see your personal details.

We do not see or have access to personal details such as your name, credit card information, address, etc.

The only information we have access to is general information that a purchase was made on a specific date and time for a specific product.

How Can You Help Us?

It takes a lot of time, effort, and cost to maintain a site focused on providing quality content to players all over the world.

This is why we need your help. Here are a few ways that you can help:

  • If you like a product from one of our partners, please use our referral links to purchase your product.
  • If you’re using a product that we recommend, please leave a review in the comments to help others.
  • Spread the word by sharing our posts with friends through the various social networking options, or word of mouth.

Thank you for your support and enjoy the content!!