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Best PLO Vlogs: 4 Vloggers You Should Be Following

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If you are like me, you can only take so much reading strategy and watching training videos. While time spent in these areas is a staple of strong players, we all need a break.

Today, we will look at the top vloggers in the poker space that focus on PLO content. There is no shortage of No-Limit Holdem vlogs, but you often have to sift through pages of videos to find a PLO vlog.

Then, once you have done that, it might not even be high quality. In fact, I was hoping for a longer list, but once I started filtering out content that didn’t make the cut, I was left with this shortlist.

What is a Vlog?

Before we dive in, I don’t want to assume everyone knows what a vlog is. Let’s cover that first.

A vlog is simply a video blog. It is like a blog but uses video as its medium. YouTube is the most popular platform for hosting vlogs. That is where you will find all of our vloggers below.

Vlogging allows the content creator to express their unique personality and flavor to the audience and connect in ways that are difficult to do in a traditional written blog. There is also a low barrier to entry. That is why vlogging has quickly become one of the most popular forms of digital entertainment today.

Due to this low barrier to entry, you will often find low-quality vlogs or ones full of people trying to figure out their persona and style.

Vlogs come in many varieties, and that is what makes them so great. There is something for everyone. Now, with that out of the way, let’s dive into our list!!

Poker Jeezus

Anthony, aka ‘Poker Jeezus,’ is a professional poker player in the Austin, Texas area. He has been playing poker for a living since 2019, playing both cash and tournament structures.

Anthony’s videos are well put together, with excellent editing and high-quality analysis. His lively personality, which hooks you from the beginning and keeps you engaged, captures what many live PLO games are like. You get a sense of the fun atmosphere that attracts many players to the game.

All of his videos are filled with splashy pots and tons of action, which tends to be the norm in these live Texas card clubs. You can follow along with the ups and downs as the turns and rivers bring significant shifts in equity and big shifts in emotion that can be felt throughout the videos.

In addition to playing, Anthony does a lot of work helping promote the game, working with club owners to make games more appealing and accessible to newcomers. Stay up to date on Poker Jeezus’ latest wins and promotion efforts on his PLO vlog.

Donk Fish

Wayne, aka ‘Donk Fish,’ has been on the vlogging scene for quite some time. In his self-professed bio, he is a non-holdem player inspired by many big-time vloggers like Andrew Neeme and Brad Owen, and you can get a sense of that as you watch his vlogs.

Wayne is a true road player. The guy is literally all over the map, from Vegas to Chicago to Austin. He brings a unique perspective to the scene, letting his viewers get a taste of the road player’s life and how games vary in different parts of the country.

Some of his videos can be a bit blurry and jumpy at times; however, he makes up for this with a detailed sound analysis of the hands he plays. You get a good insight into his thought process as he goes through his sessions and travels.

Check out Donk Fish’s PLO vlog on YouTube, and who knows, you might see him in your card room at some point.

PLO Professor

Josh, aka ‘PLO Professor,’ is a long-time poker professional who plays a variety of Omaha formats. Like Donk Fish, Josh travels quite a bit and details that lifestyle in his vlog.

One thing that sets Josh’s vlog apart is the wide variety of Omaha games he plays. His vlog is one of the few places where you will see a large amount of PLO Bomb Pot content, along with other formats like Big O and Commerce.

In addition to finding videos of live PLO action, you will also find many videos where he teaches various concepts. I don’t always agree with his advice or strategy analysis; however, he gives a lot of insight and things to think about in formats that aren’t covered very much.

You will also get a lot of seasoned advice on various physical and betting tells that you will see at the poker table in some of these live games.

If you’re into playing some of these action-packed Omaha poker variations, the PLO Professor’s PLO vlog will give you many insights into them.

GMoney Poker

Gunner, aka ‘GMoney Poker,’ is another Austin, Texas PLO player. He is a newcomer to the vlogging space; however, his videos are top-notch. You will notice very high-quality editing with features you typically see on live poker streams showing positions and stack sizes of players.

Something that is interesting is that Gunner seems to play most of his games starting in the morning versus playing late at night like many players. Despite that, he shows throughout his videos there is a lot of money to be made in this game regardless of the time of day you play.

Gunner puts a lot of effort into putting high-quality hand analysis in each video. He often uses many of the mainstream PLO tools to walk through hand analysis in his videos.

I am looking forward to seeing this newcomer’s content grow. If you want to follow his progress as well, make sure to visit GMoney Poker’s PLO vlog for new videos.

Well, that wraps it up for our shortlist. You have a wide selection covering low to high-stakes cash games and tournaments, a variety of Omaha poker formats, and games spread all over the map.

If you think I missed someone, please leave a comment below. I would love to see this list grow with high-quality individuals who bring something to the space.

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